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As an Author:

Launching a book- Dyslexia Mathematics at Universiti Teknikal Melaka, Malaysia, 3 October 2013.


  • Judge for Innovation Competition at IPG Kampus Pendidikan Islam, 13 May 2015.

  • Judge for Innovation Competition at IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas, 6-8 July 2015.

  • Judge for Innovation Competition at IPG Kampus Bahasa Melayu, 12 August 2015.

  • Panel for Papers - Seminar for National Educational Research- Middle Zone 2015, at IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas, 19-21 May 2015.

  • Judge for Innovation Competition for Teaching and Learning, Innovation Day Faculty of Education 2017, 11 October 2017, Dewan Tun Abdullah Mohd Salleh, UKM.

  • Jury for National e-Content Development Competition (e-ConDev) 2018. Dewan Seri Budiman, UiTM, Shah Alam, 28 August, 2018.

  • Panel reviewers for Super Teachers Program, BPG, KPM September -2018.ompetition (V-Mind) Unlock Your Findings & Innovation Skills, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 10-21 September 2020.

International level

  • Judge for International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia (ICICM’13) di UTM, KL, 6 August 2013.

  • Judge for 1ST Digitalized International Invention, Innovation & Design Competition (DIID JOHOR 2018) at Dewan Jubli Intan, Johor Bahru, Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Johor 08-2018 - 08-2018

Journal articles reviewed

  • Reviewer for Journal Berwasit Jurnal Semarak Bahasa IPG Kampus Bahasa Melayu Kuala Lumpur, 20 Mac 2012.

  • Article Review, UiTM Pahang Branch 08-2019 - 09-2019 (MEMBER).

  • Paper Review, International Journal of Modern Trends In Social Sciences 09-2018 -09-2018 (MEMBER)


  • Penilai Artikel Untuk Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak, NCDRC, UPSI 09-2017 - 10-2017 (LEADER)

  • Appointment as a Reviewer to the Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education (JRPPTTE), FAKULTI PEMBANGUNAN MANUSIA, UPSI 08-2017 - 09-2017 (LEADER)

  • Paper reviewer for International Conference on Education, Mathematics and Science 2020, Fakulti Sains dan Matematik, UPSI 11-2020 - 11-2020 (MEMBER)

  • Reviewer for Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Matematik di Malaysia, UPSI 06-2020 - 06-2020 (MEMBER)

  • Reviewer for the Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education (JRPPTTE), UPSI, 25 August 2017.

  • Reviewer for Regional Conference on Sciences, Technology & Social Sciences 2016 (RCSTSS 2016). Title of the paper- “Improved Feature Subset Selection Based on Hybrid Correlation for Disease Diagnosis," This manuscript will be considered for publication in a chapter in a book that will be published by Springer. Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang (received email 1st June 2017).

  • Reviewer for Regional Conference on Sciences, Technology & Social Sciences 2016 (RCSTSS 2016). Title of the paper- “Stray Animal Mobile App". This manuscript will be considered for publication in a chapter in a book that will be published by Springer. Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang (received email 28 April 2017).

  • Reviewer for Regional Conference on Sciences, Technology & Social Sciences 2016 (RCSTSS 2016). Title of the paper- “The Development of E-Research Engine System for Final Year Project (FYP)" This manuscript will be considered for publication in a chapter in a book that will be published by Springer. Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang (received email 21st September 2017).

  • Reviewer for “Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak”, Jilid 6, 2017, UPSI, 19 October 2017.

  •  Reviewer for Malaysian Journal of Information and Communication Technology, KUIS, SELANGOR 12-2018 - 12-2018.

  • Reviewer for International Journal of Modern Trends in Social Sciences September 2018  till now.

  •  Reviewer for Jurnal IPGKBA, IPG Kampus Bahasa Antarabangsa, July 2018 – August 2018

As Speaker at Seminar

  • Faridah Hanim Yahya. “EnhancIng Teaching & Learning Process Using Online Screencast Video Tutorial”, Educational Research IPGKBA 2015, 1 September 2015

As Keynote Speaker at Seminar

  • Faridah Hanim Yahya. “Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning in line with Education 4.0”. The 3rd International Seminar of Primary Education, 25th July, 2019 at Universitas PGRI Madiun, Surabaya. Indonesia.

As Keynote Speaker at Seminar

  • Faridah Hanim Yahya. “Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning in line with Education 4.0”. The 3rd International Seminar of Primary Education, 25th July, 2019 at Universitas PGRI Madiun, Surabaya. Indonesia.

As Editor

Faridah Hanim Yahya. “Research on STEM Based Education and Technology During Covid 19 Pandemic”, International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH) 2021. UNIVERSITAS PGRI MADIUN, Surabaya, Indonesia. 25th August 2021.

As Invited Speaker

Faridah Hanim Yahya. “Research on STEM Based Education and Technology During Covid 19 Pandemic”, International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH) 2021. UNIVERSITAS PGRI MADIUN, Surabaya, Indonesia. 25th August 2021.

As Jury

  • Jury for New Academia Learning Innovation, UTM 11-2020 - 11-2020.

  •  Jury for 5th Innovation Day Program (H-INOVASI 2017), Education Faculty, UKM 10-2017 - 10-2017.


  • Unlock Your Findings & Innovation Skills, UiTM 09-2020 - 09-2020.

  • Jury for online - 2nd DIGITALISED INTERNATIONAL INVENTION, INNOVATION & DESIGN (DIIID) 2019 International - UiTM Branch JOHOR, UiTM Cawangan Johor 07-2019 - 07-2019.

  • Jury for Innovation Competition Teaching & Learning, POLITEKNIK SULTAN IDRIS SHAH 04-2019 - 04-2019.

  • Judge for 1ST Digitalized International Invention, Innovation & Design Competition (DIID JOHOR 2018) AT DEWAN JUBLI INTAN, JOHOR BAHRU, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA CAWANGAN JOHOR 08-2018 - 08-2018.

  • 9.       Jury for National e-Content Development Competition (e-ConDev) 2018, UITM, SHAH ALAM 08-2018 - 08-2018.

As Panel of Reviewer

  • PROGRAM "SUPER TEACHERS" Ministry of Education (Phase 1 and 2), BPG, KPM 09-2018 - 10-2019.

Reviewer for Malaysian Skills of Certificate

  • Assessing Officer-Recognition Of Prior Achievement (PP-PPT) Self In PB-PPT, Department Skills Developments, 12-2017 - 12-2018


Instructional Design, Problem Based-Learning & Multimedia Interactive, Mathematics Education, Web 2.0, Blended Learning, Application of ICT for Special Needs Education, Creative Content Development, m-learning, TVET, Video Tutorial Using Screencast Technique and Apps without coding.

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